dinsdag 9 september 2014

Naive No More

Heyhey lovelies!

Another music post for you, about my all-time favorite band: The Kooks! They’ve released finally released their fourth album and gaaawd me loves it long time. It’s very different from the first three albums; it feels like The Kooks have really grown up and evolved in their music. There’s a lot of soul in the songs and a lot less indie rock vibe like they were known for, but I like it!

The Kooks have always been one of those bands that you either love endlessly or don’t find special at all. I have been a part of the first category for years now and never thought their songs sounded dull or boring. In fact, I remember playing their second album KONK over and over again on my Walkman (yes!) when I was on a holiday in France with my family. I could just get lost in their songs. But change and evolution is a good thing for a band, and I’m glad all the songs still have Luke’s edgy, raw voice in them. Happy happy me!

Enjoy your evening!
Lots of love,

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